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Sept. 7, 2022

Episode 11: This Painting of Johnny Cash in Folsom Prison Has a Big Life Hidden Success Secret

Episode 11: This Painting of Johnny Cash in Folsom Prison Has a Big Life Hidden Success Secret

"Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight.” — Johnny Cash When Timothy first read the above quote, he thought it was funny and smiled. As he reflected on it, he saw that in just 17 words, Johnny...

"Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight.” — Johnny Cash

When Timothy first read the above quote, he thought it was funny and smiled. As he reflected on it, he saw that in just 17 words, Johnny Cash actually summarized one of life’s biggest struggles.

It’s the struggle between wanting to become the best version of yourself and living a life that falls short of it.

Do you ever feel that struggle?

It makes one think of an old saying: Hell on earth would be meeting the person you could have become.”

Timothy painted a portrait of Johnny Cash's mugshot from Folsom prison and combined it with a "Burning Ring of Fire" (from his hit song).  This led Timothy to discover a success principle hidden in the painting that he shares in this episode.

To see the painting this episode refers to, go to www.PaulsonArtShow.com and scroll down to the Johnny Cash painting (you'll know it when you see it!).  Johnny is surrounded by "burning ring of fire."