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Totalityism: "The New Art Movement of the 21st Century" is a catalyst to help root out racism in the U.S.

"Totalityism" is the new art movement of the 21st Century, a catalyst to help root out racism in the United States by increasing peace, love, and unity. Additionally, it's about helping you become everything God created you to be ("Personal Totality").

This podcast merges Timothy Paulson's art and theology in the "New Art Movement of the 21st Century."

Recent Episodes

Jan. 2, 2024

Episode 18: "“How this Jackson Pollock style ‘Drip’ Painting is Helping to Root out Racism.”

The 5’x5’ painting titled Out of the Box (done in the "drip" style of Jackson Pollock) is helping to bring attention to a new art movement I’m developing called Totalityism. (The painting can be seen at ). The art movement is different...
Dec. 29, 2023

Episode 17: "This Statue of Liberty Painting is Creating Social Change"

This Statue of Liberty painting, titled "Living to Breathe Free," painted by Timothy Paulson, is creating social change by drawing attention to the Totalityism art movement Paulson created by merging art and theology to help abandon attitudes and...
Dec. 28, 2023

Episode 16: "“Here’s How You Can Harness the Energies of Love — and Help Change the World.”

If want to make a bigger impact in 2024, this will be one of the most important podcast episodes you’ll listen to all year. I painted the picture of Totality shown in the podcast announcement and titled it “Harnessing Love” in...
Dec. 22, 2023

Episode 15: "The Brave 6-year-old Girl in this Painting Helped Change the World."

I painted a copy of an iconic image titled "The Problem We All Live WIth" by Norman Rockwell.  You can see my copy here in the episode listing - and at . You’ve surely seen it — Norman Rockwell’s iconic painting of Ruby Bridges, the...
Dec. 21, 2023

Episode 14: Why is this Painting of Gandhi, MLK, and Mandela Considered Such a Dangerous Painting?"

A painting I did of Gandhi, King, and Mandela looks innocent enough. Why do you suppose it’s so dangerous?  (The painting appears in the podcast episode artwork and at .) As it turns out, the painting represents a message that some...
Nov. 3, 2023

Episode 13: “An Avid Art Lover Who Wants to Help Change the World Will Buy this Former $7 Yard Sale Painting — for $1,000,000…”

"An Avid Art Lover Who Wants to Help Change the World Will Buy this Painting — for $1,000,000 and as a result, will help advance ‘The New Art Movement of the 21st Century’ with its mission to help root out racism through...